VW for Kerbal Space Program


This is an unofficial video walkthrough for Kerbal Space Program (KSP). If you have not brought the game, you can get a preview of the game in this walkthrough.Sample videos:Aerodynamics in KSP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HMJTaWs8HgTips on building Bases:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdEKW5uRyg8Hardmode eipsode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0wlk94T9xc
KSP is a game where the players create and manage their own space program. Build spacecraft, fly them, and try to help the Kerbals to fulfill their ultimate mission of conquering space.
This unofficial video walkthrough for KSP collected strategies, techniques, tips and tricks, and plugin development from experienced players, provides you the information for exploring the game, enhancing your skill and enhancing the game with your programming knowledge, let you enjoy the game even more.
Specifically, this walkthrough contains information on SSTO, landing of spacecraft and space shuttle, flying rocket with satellite,,docking of spacecraft, demonstrate rendezvous of spacecraft, landing to planet, etc.
Currently we collected quite a number of walkthrough and tips videos, as well as plugin development videos, about 200+ videos currently. When we discover other interesting videos, we will continue to update the app.
Disclaimer:Please note that this is NOT the game KSP itself, NOR an official walkthrough. All trademark and copyright belongs to Squad. Copyright of all characters, locations, images and video game content belong to their respective owners, using this walkthrough is only within the scope of fair use guidelines.